At the moment Neteller does not offer its services in the following countries, dependencies and territories. Be aware that this list is subject to change:
Neteller non-supported countries list:
Åland Islands | Gabon | Northern Mariana Islands |
Afghanistan | Gambia, The | Oman |
American Samoa | Gaza Strip | Palau |
Angola | Grenada | Papua New Guinea |
Anguilla | Guadeloupe | Pitcairn Islands |
Antartica | Guam | Puerto Rico |
Antigua and Barbuda | Guatemala | Réunion |
Aruba | Guinea | Rwanda |
Bahrain | Guinea-Bissau | Saint Helena |
Barbados | Guyana | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Benin | Haiti | Saint Lucia |
Bermuda | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
Bhutan | Holy See (Vatican City State) | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Bolivia | Honduras | Samoa |
Botswana | Iran | Sao Tome and Principe |
Bouvet Island | Iraq | Senegal |
British Indian Ocean Territory | Ivory Coast | Seychelles |
Brunei | Jamaica | Sierra Leone |
Burundi | Japan | Sint Maarten |
Cabo Verde (Cape Verde) | Jordan | Solomon Islands |
Cambodia | Kiribati | Somalia |
Cameroon | Korea, North | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Cape Verde | Kosovo | South Sudan |
Cayman Islands | Kyrgyzstan | State of Palestine |
Central African Republic | Laos | Svalbard and Jan Mayen (Norway) |
Chad | Lebanon | Sudan |
Chile | Lesotho | Suriname |
Christmas Island | Liberia | Syria |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Libya | Tajikistan |
Comoros | Macau | Togo |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Madagascar | Tokelau |
Congo, Republic of the | Malawi | Tonga |
Cook Islands | Maldives | Trinidad and Tobago |
Côte d’Ivoire | Mali | Turkmenistan |
Cuba | Marshall Islands | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Djibouti | Martinique | Tuvalu |
Dominica | Mauritania | Uganda |
East Timor | Mayotte | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
El Salvador | Micronesia, Federated States of | United States of America |
Equatorial Guinea | Mongolia | United States Virgin Islands |
Eritrea | Mozambique | Uzbekistan |
Eswatini (Swaziland) | Myanmar (Burma) | Vanuatu |
Ethiopia | Namibia | Vatican City |
Falkland Islands | Nauru | Wallis and Futuna |
Faroe Islands | Nepal | West Bank |
Fiji | New Caledonia | Western Sahara |
French Guiana | Nicaragua | Yemen |
French Polynesia | Niger | Zambia |
French Southern Territories | Norfolk Island | Zimbabwe |
If you are from a country not on this list you can JOIN NETELLER HERE